Tectonic's main project area is a tenement package of large scale high-grade IRGS systems in Australia targeting deposits with >3Moz Au potential. An overview of these projects are below:
850km2 tenement holding
8 gold bearing systems targeting >3Moz Au each
>20,000m of drilling
Discoveries made now drilling for scale
High grade gold in a world class region
Australian Government recognition
43.5% cash rebate

Tectonic was an early mover in building its Queensland portfolio, but neighbours now include AngloGold, Evolution and Zijin Mining, China’s largest gold producer.
Specimen Hill JORC Table 1- 2018 Drilling
Mt Cassidy JORC Table 1
Specimen Hill / Mt Rainbow
Specimen Hill / Mount Rainbow is part of the Biloela Project tenement package. Specimen Hill itself is a high level, multi-phase, IRGS epithermal vein system. In addition to thorough geochemical and geophysical testing, over 55 drill holes have intersected mineralisation and returned significant intersections over 18g/t Au.
Historic production of 8000oz at grades of up to 40g/t Au are complimented by widespread Au-Ag anomalism.
Tectonic is targeting a high grade Au-Ag epithermal vein – breccia deposit from surface and the underlying auriferous porphyry deposit presenting at approximately 250m depth.
Last Chance
& Day Dawn
The multiple sheeted vein swarms at Last Chance and Day Dawn have a large surface footprint and have been selectively worked near-surface with records of over an ounce per tonne mined in the 1920s. More recent drill testing to a maximum of 140m confirms continuity of mineralisation at depth with grades in excess of 11g/t Au in the veins.
Maxwellton is a Specimen Hill lookalike with an identified satellite intrusion proximal to a larger batholith typical of IRGS formation likely driving mineralisation. Multiple coinciding anomalies over a very large surface area are supported by previous high grade production. The "signature" element suite has been tested and shallow drilling confirms mineralisation.